What I do know is that Montgomery College at one point had a wrestling team. What I don't know is which of the campuses had wrestling. Today, all are known as the Raptors. However, at one time the Rockville campus was known as the Knights, the Takoma Park/Silver Springs Campus was known as the Falcons & the Germantown campus was known as the Gryphons. What I can tell you is that at one of these campuses wrestling was started in the 1963-1964 season by head baseball & assistant football coach Ray Fox. I'm not sure when it came to an end.
Donald Rosano
After finishing third at the 1970 Regionals, Rosano was selected as a wildcard entry to the NJCAA tournament. He later taught Health, Exercise Science & P.E. at the high school level.
Ed Lauer
Lauer was also a member of Montgomery's cross country & track teams during his time at Montgomery. He later coached wrestling & cross country at River Hill High school.
Bruce Lindblad
An NJCAA qualifier for Montgomery in 1969, Lindblad finished up his wrestling career at Towson. He later coached at Atholton HIgh school where he took his team to back to back fourth place finishes at the state tournament in 2000 & 2001.
Jim Meehan
A graduate of Walter Johnson High School, Meehan won a District of Columbia AAU championship in 1969.
Tyrone Neal
Probably the best wrestler to ever come out of Montgomery was two time NJCAA champion Tyrone neal who won titles in 1972 & 1973. He went on to wrestle for Maryland, where he won ACC titles in 1974 & 1975.
Bill Goodman
Goodman came to Montgomery from Montgmery Blair High School to play football. During his time at Montgomery the school did not field a varsity wrestling team. As a result, Goodman did his own workouts & traveled to open tournaments on his own time. He went 14-0 during his time wrestling, telling assistant football coach Ray Fox that if the school would've had a wrestling team, he could've excelled on both the football field & the wrestling mat. That's when Fox began to work on getting wrestling at Montgomery.
Goodman finished up his collegiate football career at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.