PORTLAND STATE (Portland, Oregon)
1962 Lavern Alton 147 3rd
1964 Ronald Dexter 137 4th
1965 Rick Sanders 115 1st
ROWAN (Glassboro, New Jersey)
1970 John Villecco 158 5th, 1971 167 6th
1971 Van Lynch 190 6th
SAGINAW VALLEY STATE (Saginaw, Michigan)
1977 Ralph Roberts 167 3rd, 1978 167 3rd
1978 Terry Nicholson 126 3rd
1982 Chris Ruterbusch UNL 4th
1983 Darrell Burchfield 118 6th
SIENA HEIGHTS (Adrian, Michigan)
1983 Keith Vogel 190 7th
1985 Boo Meszaros 167 7th
1985 Doug Pfeiffer 190 8th
SOUTH DAKOTA SPRINGFIELD (Springfield, South Dakota)
1971 Jay DeBoer 190 4th
1977 Pat Rohlik 167 5th, 178 167 5th
1979 Dan Mechtenberg 142 4th
1982 Craig Nightingale 177 8th
1959 Jim Bledsoe 130 1st, 1960 123 1st
1959 Lee Grubbs 147 2nd
1959 Herman Ayres 157 1st
1959 Marion Rushing 190 1st
1959 Houston Antwine UNL 3rd, 1960 UNL 1st
1960 Jack Crider 147 2nd
1960 Ed Lewis 157 2nd
1960 Roger Plapp 167 3rd
1960 Ken Houston 177 2nd
1960 Ken Moore 190 1st
SOUTHERN UTAH (Cedar City, Utah)
1980 Keith Seals UNL 8th
ST. THOMAS (St. Paul, Minnesota)
1958 Richard Gurtek 191 2nd
1964 Roger Zeug 167 2nd
1983 Don Studer 158 8th
TAMPA (Tampa, Florida)
1970 Fletcher Carr 177 4th
TAYLOR (Upland, Indiana)
1972 Dana Sorenson 150 4th
1975 Glenn Querin 126 5th, 1976 126 1st, 1977 1st
1975 Cecil Bergen 150 4th, 1976 150 6th
1975 Todd Johnson 190 4th
1976 Steve Muterspaw 118 5th
1978 Bob LaFollette 177 2nd
1978 Drew Whitfield 190 2nd, 1979 190 2nd
1979 Todd Whitfield 167 7
1979 Jay Tyree 177 5th
1980 Bob LaFollette 190 5th
1981 Scott Dodd 190 7th
1963 Marvin Grabau 115 6th
1964 Darl Weaver 115 5th, 1966 115 1st
1964 Ken Fiester UNL 6th
1966 Don Huggins 137 5th
1966 Wade Winter UNL 4th, 1967 UNL 2nd, 1968 UNL 1st
1968 Ross Brown 152 4th
1970 George Farrett 118 6th
1970 Tom McClusky 142 6th
1970 Jim Kovacs 177 6th
1974 Stan Peterson 167 6th
1975 Bob Fullerton 118 5th
1975 Kerry Feekes 150 5th
1975 Stan Peterson 167 3rd
1977 Dave Motta 126 5th
1978 Larry Winslow 118 4th
1982 Joel Huggman 190 5th
1984 Tim Delarm 158 8th, 1986 150 6th
1988 Tim Leuer 275 7th
1991 Ed Huff 275 5th
1993 Derek Briggs 142 1st
1993 Daryl Meyer 167 3rd, 1994 158 5th
1994 Ryan Ferguson 134 2nd, 1995 134 2nd, 1996 142 6th
1995 Travis Dewalt 126 4th
1996 Greg Myers 118 6th
1996 Matt Derocher 167 4th
1996 Chad Vollemcke 275 6th
VALLEY CITY STATE (Valley City, North Dakota)
1961 Jack Ramey 191 2nd
1962 Duane Schmitz 115 4th
1964 Del Schwartz 157 6th, 1966 167 3rd
1969 Rollie Canham 191 3rd
1971 Jerry Rocheleau 177 5th
1971 Mark Sichmeller 190 5th
1972 Bob Maresh UNL 2nd
1974 Les Kendall 190 6th
1976 Jerome Huck UNL 4th, 1977 UNL 3rd, 1978 UNL 3rd
1979 Tony Huck 190 1st, 1980 190 1st
1985 Troy Humphrey 118 5th
1989 Casey Schweitzer 158 4th, 1990 158 1st
1992 Duey Yliniemi 158 1st
1994 Kirk Zink 167 2nd, 1997 167 3rd
1996 Sarge Truesdell 177 4th, 1997 177 2nd, 1998 177 2nd
1999 Christian Cupas 125 8th
1999 Allan Cupas 149 8th
1999 Anthony Vasquez 184 7th
WAYNE STATE (Detroit, Michigan)
1964 Ron Tope 130 5th
1965 Bob Kruse UNL 2nd, 1966 UNL 3rd
1968 Bill Schwarz 123 4th, 1969 123 3rd
1968 Jeff Meineke 130 5th
1968 Larry Michelson 152 1st, 1969 152 2nd
1968 Tom Firestack UNL 2nd, 1969 UNL 1st
1969 John Yoder 160 4th
1970 Max Branum 134 4th, 1971 150 5th
1970 Ken Monroe 167 1st, 1971 167 2nd, 1972 167 1st, 1973 167 1st
1972 Ron Coles UNL 3rd
1973 Tom Cortez 118 6th
1973 Tom Luth 158 5th
1974 Ron Coles UNL 6th
1975 Jim Meyer 126 4th
1976 Mike Riedmann 190 2nd
WEST CHESTER (West Chester, Pennsylvania)
1962 Roger Sanders 157 3rd
1963 Howard Sage 191 4th
WESTERN ILLINOIS (Macomb, Illinois)
1962 James Shipp 147 2nd, 1963 147 2nd
1962 Ronald Wynn 167 4th
1967 Craig Maddox UNL 6th
MONTANA WESTERN (Dillon, Montana)
1983 Bob Pearce UNL 8th
1988 Troy Humphrey 126 1st
1988 Tad Thorstenson 142 8th, 1989 142 4th
1988 Tim Blatter 150 4th
1989 Marvin Curtis 118 7th
1989 Steve Meuer 126 7th, 1990 118 2nd
1989 Rod Clugston 158 3rd
1989 Jim Putman 167 2nd
1989 Pat Whitcomb 190 2nd
1990 Mick Cheff 190 1st
1990 Troy Lake 275 1st
1991 Phil McCluskey 118 5th
1991 Travis Williams 150 1st, 1992 150 5th
1991 Kevin Knight 167 4th
1991 Jamie Kamberling 177 6th, 1993 190 1st
1991 Mick Cheff 190 1st
1992 Phil McCluskey 118 2nd
1992 Ernest Molina 126 2nd
1992 Gordon LaCroix 134 4th
1992 Ben Ulrick 142 6th
1992 Corey Bolton 167 3rd
1992 Todd Goodwin 275 3rd
1993 Shawn Fossen 118 2nd
1993 Paul Pownall 126 6th, 1995 126 2nd
1994 Shawn Fossen 118 1st
1994 Paul Pownall 126 2nd
1994 Larry Garrison 134 1st
1994 Rich Vasquez 142 1st, 1995 142 3rd
1996 Bill Jones 150 4th
1996 Doug Maddux 167 5th
1996 Jason Flaten 177 3rd
1996 Abe Boomer 275 3rd
WESTERN OREGON (Monmouth, Oregon)
1970 Richard Edwards 190 5th, 1971 190 1st
1972 Kani Rowland 134 5th
1972 Bill McFadden 150 6th
1972 Richard Edwards 190 1st
1973 John Sappington 150 5th
1977 Roger Rolen 134 3rd, 1978 134 5th
1990 Ty Sonnen 126 6th
1990 Mike Carey 177 3rd
1991 Cody Allen 158 4th
WESTERN WASHINGTON (Bellingham, Washington)
1966 Ken Vandver 123 5th
1967 Jim Chapman 145 3rd
1971 Lee Anderson 158 4th, 1972 150 5th
1974 Dan Daly 158 6th
WHITMAN (Walla Walla, Washington)
1976 Theopolis Williams 177 5th, 1978 177 3rd, 1979 177 7th
WHITWORTH (Spokane, Washington)
1969 Mike Carr UNL 2nd
WINONA STATE (Winona, Minnesota)
1958 John DeLozier 123 2nd
1958 Bernie Peipers 177 4th
1959 Ron Evenson 167 4th
1959 Jerry Wedemeier UNL 1st, 1960 UNL 2nd, 1961 UNL 1st, 1962 UNL 1st
1960 Dave Moracco 137 4th, 1961 137 3rd, 1963 137 5th
1961 Larry Willis 123 4th
1961 Ray Haworth 147 3rd
1962 Pat Flaherty 177 4th, 1964 167 4th
1964 Merle Sovereign 147 2nd, 1966 152 2nd, 1967 152 3rd
1966 Jim Tanniehill 160 3rd, 1967 160 3rd, 1969 152 3rd, 1970 150 2nd
1966 Ray Wicks 167 5th, 1967 167 3rd, 1968 160 5th
1967 John Willson UNL 5th
1968 Roger Jehlicka 145 6th
1968 Steve Drange 177 4th
1969 Pete Sandberg 145 6th
1969 Bill Hitesman 167 5th, 1972 167 3rd
1970 Ron Oglesby 118 2nd
1970 Bill Hitesman 158 4th
1970 Ron Moen 190 3rd
1972 Scott Miller 118 6th
1973 Craig Halvorson 177 4th, 1974 177 3rd
1973 Ernest Middleton 190 4th, 1974 190 3rd, 1975 190 2nd
1975 Dan Malm UNL 6th, 1976 UNL 3rd
1976 Marlow Burton 142 2nd
WISCONSIN RIVER FALLS (River Falls, Wisconsin)
1961 Larry Julien UNL 2nd
1963 Charles Hinds 123 6th
1963 Pat Mrotek 137 2nd
1963 Dick Culver 147 3rd
1963 Jerome Halverson 167 6th
1963 Dean Dix UNL 6th
1966 Al Gross 177 4th
1967 Steve Schmidt UNL 3rd
1968 Craig Swenson 130 2nd
1970 Ken Flouro 118 5th
1970 Lyndell Johnson 158 2nd
1973 Tom Kubiak 158 2nd, 1974 158 3rd
1974 Gee Pope 134 4th, 134 2nd
1976 Bruce Tonsor UNL 2nd
1980 Bob Erickson 118 8th
1980 Andy Johnson 142 5th
1980 Tom Conlon 167 2nd
1981 Paul Frandsen 150 3rd, 1982 150 1st, 1983 158 2nd
1981 Dave Newman 158 3rd
1981 Jim Meyer 190 1st, 1982 190 2nd, 1983 190 2nd
1982 Terry Keller 158 2nd, 1984 158 2nd
1984 Tom Gallagher 134 4th
1985 Darryl Stephens 126 7th
1985 Brian Keller 167 3rd, 1986 167 3rd
1985 Dave Brandvold 177 2nd
1985 Matt Renn UNL 2nd
1987 Mike Mueller 118 8th
1987 Greg Kay 142 7th, 1988 142 5th, 1989 150 4th
1987 Todd Ponick 158 6th
1989 Todd Cherney 190 8th, 1990 190 4th
1990 Scott Hale 150 5th
WISCONSIN STOUT (Menomonie, Wisconsin)
1961 Leon Stephenson 177 4th
1964 Glenn Hardy 177 4th
1966 Tom Ott 152 4th, 1967 160 5th
1969 Hector Cruz 115 6th
1971 John Peterson 167 5th
1972 Dale Evans 134 4th, 1973 142 3rd
1979 Jerry Klonowski 150 7th
WISCONSIN SUPERIOR (Superior, Wisconsin)
1961 Tim Stauffer 177 3rd, 1962 177 3rd
1962 Bill McCreary 115 3rd, 1963 130 3rd
1963 Herb Schutt 147 5th
1963 Glenn Getgen 157 2nd
1963 Robert Zimmerman UNL 3rd
1964 Willie Falwell 147 5th
1966 Rich Kuzminski 115 5th
1966 Tom Thompson 130 4th, 1967 130 6th
1966 Mike Garside 145 5th, 1967 137 2nd, 1970 142 5th
1967 Dick Tressler 115 4th, 1968 123 2nd
1967 Tony Leonardo 123 6th
1967 Mike Ross 160 6th, 1968 167 4th
1969 Bob Miller 167 6th
1971 Dale Jensen 177 6th
1972 Bill Spieker 190 5th
1974 Gary Brusletten 126 2nd, 1976 126 2nd
1979 Joe Gayan UNL 8th
1980 Glenn Zipperer 150 3rd
1980 Jeff Laube 177 1st
1982 Jim Viaene UNL 2nd, 1984 UNL 4th
1985 Tim Olson 190 5th, 1986 190 4th, 1987 190 7th
1986 Brad Simon 158 7th
YANKTON (Yankton, South Dakota)
1982 Mike Welter 177 7th
ALASKA PACIFIC (Anchorage, Alaska)
1987 Jeff Wallace 126 3rd, 1987 134 3rd, 1988 134 3rd
1987 Randy Talvi 150 3rd
1987 Jeff Steele 158 3rd, 1988 158 5th
1987 John Fredrickson 177 1st, 1988 177 1st
1987 Bradley Steward 275 8th
1988 Torey McCully 126 2nd
1988 Tom Upchurch 190 6th
1988 Shawn Hughes 275 8th
1989 Kirt Allen 118 3rd, 1990 118 4th
1989 David Bierria 142 5th, 1990 4th
1989 Jay Wilcox 167 4th
1989 William Hughes 275 5th
1990 Scott Smith 177 6th
ANDERSON (Anderson, Indiana)
1972 Henry Wilk 118 5th, 1973 118 2nd
1976 Doug Stoll 126 5th, 1977 126 2nd
1983 Mike Niccum 126 5th, 1984 126 8th
1998 Shaun Meeks 275 6, 1999 285 4th
1999 Jorge Cuevas 125 7th
ASHFORD (Clinton, Iowa)
1999 Rick Moreno 149 1st
1999 Clint Long 285 2nd, 2000 285 2nd, 2001 285 5th
2001 Charles Bishop 157 4th
2001 Hiram Heysinger 165 3rd
BACONE COLLEGE (Muskogee, Oklahoma)
2002 Josh Sorum 125 6th
2002 James Bean 157 4th
2003 Tommy Jones 149 7th
2003 Kenny Taylor 157 2nd
2003 Niko Koliastasis 197 2nd, 2004 197 2nd
2003 David Grayson 285 7th
2004 Bryan Odle 141 5th, 2005 141 3rd, 2006 141 7th
2004 Daniel Roberts 165 6th
2005 Mike Miller 133 8th, 2006 133 5th
2006 Jasper Lockett 184 4th
2006 Brandon Groome 285 7th
2010 Jeremy Colbert 285 8th
BEMIDJI STATE (Bemidji, Minnesota)
1958 Elwyn Brown 137 4th
1961 Dave Frank 157 3rd
1964 Mike Hanlon 147 4th
1967 Rick Engh 115 2nd, 1968 123 3rd
1967 Steve Larson 152 6th
1968 Charles Eckert 152 3rd, 1969 160 6th, 1970 158 6th
1969 Rick Engh 123 2nd, 1970 126 3rd
1970 Pete Saxe 134 2nd, 1971 142 2nd, 1971 142 2nd
1970 Mike Niemczyk 142 2nd
1971 Bob Dettmer 150 1st, 1972 158 3rd, 1973 150 3rd
1971 Ron Schmuck 190 3rd
1972 Bob Whelan 190 4th, 1973 190 6th, 1975 UNL 1st
1973 Roger Demaris 142 4th
1974 Jerry Cleveland 142 4th
1974 Larry Harn 167 4th
1976 Kevin Kish 118 1st, 1978 118 1st
1976 Roger Rowbotham 158 5th
1976 Corky Hanson 167 6th
1977 John Grunzke 150 6th
1977 Bob Eckert 190 3rd, 1979 190 3rd
1979 Greg Gerdes 142 5th, 1981 150 2nd
1980 Ken Jordan 118 4th, 1981 118 3rd
BETHEL (St. Paul, Minnesota)
1984 Tim Kimp 177 8th
BIOLA (La Mirada, California)
1969 Mike Fisher 177 2nd
1971 Chris Davis 126 4th
1972 Jarret Williams 142 4th
1972 Richard Hays 177 2nd
1977 Jim Blagg 177 6th, 1978 190 1st
1979 Pat Sheridan 134 3rd, 1980 134 4th, 1981 126 5th
1981 Tony Ippolito 134 2nd, 1983 167 8th
1985 Adrian Rodriguez 126 3rd
BLACK HILLS STATE (Spearfish, South Dakota)
1967 Tom Sprigler 137 4th
1970 Bob Ward 134 5th
1971 Mike Miller 126 5th
1988 Philip Farley 167 8th
1989 Joseph Giacometto 177 4th
CALTECH (Pasadena, California)
1969 Al Beagle 191 6th
CALIFORNIA of PENNSYLVANIA (California, Pennsylvania)
1973 Rodney Patterson 134 6th
1973 Randy Hought 167 4th
1975 Geno Zucaro 134 4th
1976 Bill DePaoli 118 3rd, 1977 118 1st, 1979 118 1st
1976 Darwin Stalnaker 126 2nd
CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN (Thousand Oaks, California)
1971 Steve Magruder 150 4th
CARSON NEWMAN (Jefferson City, Tennessee)
1980 Robert Valentine 190 4th
1982 Allen Koors 118 6th, 1983 118 2nd
1982 Maury Vanderpool 142 3rd
1983 Cyrus Wynn 126 8th, 1984 126 6th
1983 Maury Vanderpool 150 6th, 1984 150 7th
1984 Brian Nelson 134 7th, 1985 134 1st
1984 Chris Moore 158 7th
1984 Alan Brown 167 6th
1985 Jeff Pratt 177 8th, 1986 167 7th
1986 Steve Wright 118 5th, 1987 118 3rd
1987 Eddie Crocker 150 7th
1987 Hugh Meek 177 4th, 1988 177 2nd, 1989 177 3rd
1987 Tom Theilig 275 4th, 1989 275 8th
1988 Jeffery Wright 118 1st
1988 Maurice Harrison 158 7th
1988 Paul Neuner 190 3rd
1991 Jeff Bedard 126 4th, 1992 126 1st
1991 Abe McKinnon 158 3rd
1991 Robby Benjamin 275 2nd
1992 Spencer Bailey 158 4th
1993 Doug Badia 118 6th
1993 Marese Wright 134 4th
1993 Berhnard Durham 158 1st
CARTHAGE (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
1972 Tom Adams 150 3rd, 1973 150 1st
CEDARVILLE (Cedarville, Ohio)
1974 Vic Millard 177 5th, 1975 177 3rd
CENTRAL WASHINGTON (Ellensburg, Washington)
1966 Dennis Warren 145 1st, 1967 145 1st
1966 Vern Merkley 160 6th
1966 Lamoin Merkley 167 1st, 1967 167 1st, 1968 167 1st
1966 Darren Sipe 177 5th
1966 Dalles Delay 191 2nd
1966 LeRoy Werkhaven UNL 5th
1967 Alan Johnson 152 5th
1967 Dallas Delay 191 3rd
1968 Larry Brown 130 3rd
1968 John Casebeer 137 3rd
1968 Larry Mogenson 145 4th
1968 Dennis Brynes 177 5th
1970 Kenichi Kanno 118 3rd, 1971 118 1st
1970 Shurman Landers 142 1st
1971 Craig Skeesick 134 1st, 1972 134 2nd
1971 Thurman Landers 142 6th
1971 Gary Stevenson 167 4th
1971 Ed Harris UNL 4th
1972 Ray Blondin 177 6th
1972 Tom Omli 190 2nd, 1973 190 5th
1973 Greg Gowens 134 3rd, 1974 134 6th
1973 Kit Shaw 142 1st, 1974 142 1st
1974 Bob Pierce 126 5th
1974 John Burkholder 150 3rd
1974 Dewey Parish 158 5th
1974 Dan Older 167 2nd, 1975 167 4th
1974 Rocky Isley 190 2nd
1976 Bill Linthicum 150 3rd
1978 Joe Sanford 150 1st
1978 Kurt Bledsoe 190 3rd, 1980 190 7th
1979 Mike Wilson UNL 2nd
1980 Rob Lagerquist 118 7th
1980 Ron Ellis 126 2nd
1980 Tony Ledbetter 158 6th
1981 C.D. Hoiness 142 2nd, 1983 150 4th
1982 Bill Hoglund 118 1st
1982 Charlie Hicks 142 6th
1982 Rich Esparza 150 2nd
1983 Robin McAlpine 126 2nd, 1984 126 1st
1984 Greg Ford 118 1st
1985 Mark Peterson 126 6th
1985 Kris Morgan 150 3rd
1985 Randy Penrose UNL 7th
1986 Randi Talvi 150 3rd
1986 Kris Morgan 158 3rd
1987 Lenal Brinson 126 1st
1987 Craig Danielson 275 7th
1991 Sandy Stevenson 150 4th
1991 Craig Iverson 167 5th
1992 Nick Nastri 118 5th
1992 Lee Macdiarmid 126 5th
1992 Roger Shoup 177 6th
1992 Mark Bonthuis 190 2nd
1993 Eric Rotondo 142 3rd
1994 Jason Baril 118 5th
1994 Jason Stevenson 142 3rd
1994 Jason Vose 177 4th
1995 Leighton Smiley 126 5th, 1996 126 3rd, 1997 126 2nd, 1998 126 3rd
1995 Brett Lucas 150 3rd
1995 Kevin Pine 158 5th
1995 Erik McDowell 177 5th
1995 Jason Vose 177 6th
1996 Chris Dockter 134 4th
1997 Rich Wheeler 118 6th
1997 Steve Gusse 158 4th, 1998 158 6th
1997 Chris Feist 177 6th
1998 Ben Orth 150 6th
1998 Bart Orth 167 2nd
1998 Chris Feist 177 5th
1998 Jay Castino 190 4th
CHICAGO STATE (Chicago, Illinois)
1974 Melvin Bland 126 3rd
1974 Ty Everhart 177 6th
1979 Chandler Mackey UNL 4th, 1980 UNL 4th
1980 Derrick Hardy 177 3rd
1984 Lionel Keys 158 3rd
1986 Frank Shepard UNL 7th
DAKOTA STATE (Madison, South Dakota)
1972 Bill Larson UNL 6th
DANA (Blair, Nebraska)
1979 Virgil Watson 158 4th, 1980 167 4th
1985 Bill Bussey 177 7th
1987 Trent Gutschensitter 150 6th
1994 Scott Stickler 142 5th
1995 Andy Henley 167 3rd, 1997 167 2nd
1999 Perry Mostek 197 8th
2001 Joe Durick 157 7th
2001 Mark Lander 285 6th
2003 Jason Lozier 141 6th, 2004 141 2nd, 2006 149 6th
2003 Leister Bowling 165 3rd, 2004 165 4th, 2005 165 2nd
2003 Ed Schmitt 184 4th
2003 Wynn Fangmeier 197 8th, 2004 197 3rd
2004 Brian Tsutsumi 133 6th
2004 Terrance Almond 141 6th, 2005 141 8th, 2006 141 4th, 2007 141 4th
2004 Chris Egan 184 8th
2005 Jimmy Rollins 133 3rd, 2006 133 1st
2005 Ben Henderson 157 5th, 2006 157 5th
2005 Blair Alderman 184 6th, 2006 197 4th
2006 Burke Barnes 125 3rd, 2007 133 2nd, 2008 133 2nd
2006 Craig Trampe 125 7th
2006 Anthony Haukenberry149 2nd
2006 Scott Taylor 157 4th
2006 Trent Leichleiter 165 4th
2006 Marshall Marquardt 174 7th
2006 Willie Parks 184 1st
2007 Eric Graham 133 6th
2007 Jason Bilinski 157 5th, 2008 157 4th
2007 Dan Pray 157 8th
2007 Bulla Tuzon 165 5th, 2008165 3rd, 2010 165 4th
2007 Wade Jordan 197 6th, 2008 184 2nd
2008 Miguel Ponce 174 6th
2010 Mark Peiffer 184 2nd
EARLHAM (Richmond, Indiana)
1971 Tom Heizer 177 3rd
EASTERN ILLINOIS (Charleston, Illinois)
1958 Ron Semetis 130 3rd
1961 Ralph Cundiff 157 2nd
1961 Jim Gardner 167 3rd, 1962 177 1st
1961 Paul Stracke 191 3rd
1962 Don Neece 190 4th, 1965 191 1st
EASTERN MICHIGAN (Ypsilanti, Michigan)
1963 Duke Wellington 191 3rd
1968 Dale Kestel 115 5th
1968 Larry Miele 145 3rd
1970 Mike Weede 177 5th
1970 Tom Jackson UNL 6th
1971 Doug Willer 134 3rd
EASTERN WASHINGTON (Cheney, Washington)
1972 Vard Jenks 177 4th
1973 Rueben Rios 167 3rd
1974 Don Draper 118 5th
1974 Lanny Davidson 177 2nd, 1975 177 1st, 1976 177 1st, 1977 177 1st
1974 Tom Kenny 190 4th
1976 Jerry Lorton 126 4th
1976 Tony Byrne 150 5th
1976 Mike Reed 158 1st, 1977 158 1st
1977 Ken Ross 118 2nd, 1978 118 2nd
1977 Don Wilson UNL 2nd
1978 Jerry Lorton 126 2nd
1978 Lynn Taylor 142 2nd
1978 Jerry Wollen 150 5th
1979 Dave Reimitz 150 3rd
1979 Mike Stolp 177 6th
1980 Craig Foster 177 5th
ELON (Elon, North Carolina)
1982 Jay Lineberry 126 6th
1983 Jay Lineberry 118 3rd
FERRIS STATE (Big Rapids, Michigan)
1981 Tim Smelser 118 5th
1981 Forrest Brown 190 5th
FORT LEWIS (Durango, Colorado)
1970 Mike Young 150 5th, 1971 158 3rd
1982 Ken Crenshaw 118 4th
1982 Brett Corsentino 167 6th
1982 John Curtis 177 4th
1982 Jim Etzler UNL 3rd, 1983 UNL 3rd
1984 Art Willden 158 6th, 1986 167 4th
1985 Greg Stalnaker 134 5th
1987 Mike Pantova 126 4th, 1988 126 4th
1988 Paul Martinez 177 3rd
1990 Robert Overturf 134 3rd
1990 Blaine Walters 142 3rd, 1991 142 4th, 1992 142 2nd
GRAND VALLEY STATE (Allendale, Michigan)
1972 Richard Vaughn 118 4th
1974 Mark Magianti 118 1st, 1976 126 3rd
1974 Jim Husford 177 4th, 1975 177 4th
1975 Gary Chopp 167 6th
1975 Steve Bolleback UNL 3rd
1976 John Harris 134 2nd, 1977 134 2nd
1976 Jamie Husford 190 3rd, 1977 190 1st
1977 Bill Roersma 142 1st
1977 Tom Sypien 150 5th
1977 Mike Abrams 158 4th, 1978 158 1st, 1979 167 3rd
1977 Scott Yerrick 167 6th
1978 James Shutich 134 1st
1978 Ron Essink UNL 2nd, 1980 UNL 1st
1979 Paul Neumann 150 2nd
1979 Ed King 190 5th
1980 Jeff Henderson 118 6th
1980 Dorr Granger 134 6th, 1981 142 8th
1980 Tim Horn 142 3rd
1981 Tony Diola 167 4th
GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS (St. Peter, Minnesota)
1958 Ade Sponberg UNL 3rd
1966 Dennis Sager 177 6th
HANOVER (Hanover, Indiana)
1978 Pete Cassanos 126 6th
1983 Greg Krueger 177 8th
HILLSDALE (Hillsdale, Michigan)
1962 Charles Ginther 147 4th
1963 Lonnie Lowrey 157 4th
1963 Willie Jones UNL 2nd
1970 Robert Rynesburger 167 6th
1974 Mark Law UNL 4th, 1975 UNL 2nd
SI TANKA at HURON (Huron, Michigan)
1968 Paul Kendle 160 4th
1971 Bill Ehlers UNL 6th, 1973 UNL 2nd
1972 Bob Stetler 158 6th
1973 Gary Keck 177 2nd, 1974 167 5th, 1975 167 2nd
1975 Randall Donovan 134 5th
1978 Henry Harmony UNL 5th
1979 Steve Olson 134 5th
1980 Rudy Glur 118 1st, 1982 118 3rd
1980 James Morkel 150 1st
1980 David Miller 167 4th
1980 Jim Koslowski 190 3rd
1981 Stanley Steffensen 126 3rd
1981 David Veal 167 8th
1982 Rick Morkel 150 6th
1983 Jerry Marshall 118 8th
1983 Merrick Wiles 142 4th
1983 Gene Noce 150 2nd
1983 Dan Stepleton 158 4th
1983 Dave Veal 177 6th
1983 Greg Herman 190 5th
1984 Jerry Marshall 118 8th
1984 Merrick Wiles 142 2nd
1984 Alan Noce 150 6th
1985 Kerry Ast 167 6th
1987 Ray Birden 158 2nd, 1988 158 6th
1988 Larry Stanbrough 126 7th, 1989 126 1st, 1990 126 2nd
1998 Greg Myers 118 4th
2001 Ed Schmidt 184 8th
2002 Robert Buggs 197 6th
ILLINOIS STATE (Normal, Illinois)
1958 Wally Hess 167 4th, 1959 177 1st
1963 Terry Tamblyn 115 5th
1964 Al Powell 115 4th
1965 Willie Williams 191 2nd
INDIANA of PENNSYLVANIA (Indiana, Pennsylvania)
1975 Larry McCoy 167 1st, 1976 167 1st
INDIANA STATE (Terre Haute, Indiana)
1962 Maurice Rodgers 157 4th
1963 John Welliever 115 4th, 1964 115 3rd
1963 Tom Porter 123 5th, 1964 123 5th
1963 Jim Hill 130 4th, 1964 130 3rd
1963 Roland Beckham 177 2nd, 164 177 3rd
1963 Richard Servies UNL 5th
1964 Edgar Freese 191 3rd
JACKSONVILLE STATE (Jacksonville, Alabama)
1980 Gary Erwin 150 5th
LAKE SUPERIOR STATE (Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)
1970 Dale Jensen 190 4th
1971 Jim Fallis 158 2nd, 1972 158 4th, 1973 158 1st, 1974 158 1st
1972 Jim Leyndyke 126 2nd
1972 Steve Sawaki 158 5th
1976 Tom Moeggenberg 167 3rd
1977 Mark Poletti 142 5th, 1979 150 5th
1977 Roger Dallas 150 3rd, 1978 158 2nd
1978 Ted Yachanin 126 4th
1979 Steve Bryan 142 6th
1980 Ted Yachanin 126 5th
1981 Dan Yoder 150 8th
1981 Mike Cribbs 167 6th
LEWIS (Romeoville, Illinois)
1974 Chris White 142 5th
1976 Rich Wagner 158 6th
LEWIS AND CLARK (Portland, Oregon)
1964 Gary Boggs 191 5th
1964 Harold Weight UNL 2nd, 1965 UNL 1st
LIBERTY (Lynchburg, Virginia)
1981 Jesse Castro 142 4th
1981 Bill Fox 158 8th
1982 Howard Johnson 167 3rd
1983 Steve Behrns 167 7th
1983 Dave Shoemaker 177 3rd
LINCOLN (Lincoln University, Pennsylvania)
1963 Ruben Washington 177 4th
1964 Fares Washington 167 3rd
LINFIELD (McMinnville, Oregon)
1966 Dave Youngbluth 152 6th
1972 Ray Larson 190 6th
1978 Mark Harvey UNL 6th
LIVINGSTONE (Salisbury, North Carolina)
1976 Rod Hampton 190 5th, 1977 190 6th, 1978 190 4th , 1979 190 4th
1979 John Bryant UNL 3rd, 1980 UNL 3rd
MACALESTER (St. Paul, Minnesota)
1964 Glenn Clark 157 5th
1969 Steve Callson 137 4th
1969 Howard Hellickson 177 6th
MALONE (Canton, Ohio)
1976 Dennis Baker 177 6th, 1977 190 2nd
1979 Frank Harl 118 8th
1982 Keith Harpster 134 8th, 1983 134 8th
1985 Mike Miller 126 5th
1985 Scott Miller 150 7th
MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE (Princess Anne, Maryland)
1978 Steve Scotten 126 5th
MAYVILLE STATE (Mayville, North Dakota)
1969 Pat Fernandez 115 4th
1972 Leslie Jackson 167 5th, 1973 167 5th
1976 Mark Carter 134 6th
1981 Andy DeCoteau 167 5th
1982 Mike Holmes 134 6th, 1983 142 5th, 1984 142 5th
1982 Tom Maher 190 7th
1985 Kevin Vandyke 158 4th
1988 Fred Maroschek 275 6th
1991 Jason Deitchler 275 4th, 1992 275 5th
METHODIST (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
1971 David Patrick 134 6th
MINNESOTA DULUTH (Duluth, Minnesota)
1986 Blaine Dravis 126 3rd
1986 Jeff Dravis 142 5th, 1987 142 2nd, 1988 134 4th
1986 Dave Viaene UNL 2nd
1987 Michael Hirschey 158 1st
1988 Trevor Lundgren 142 3rd, 1989 142 3rd
1988 Brad Simon 167 7th
1991 Cory Leopold 142 6th
1991 Steve McDonough 158 5th
1991 Paul Kremer 190 6th
MONTCLAIR STATE (Montclair, New Jersey)
1962 Larry Sciacchetano 190 3rd, 1964 UNL 3rd
1967 Jim Grieco 167 5th
1967 Jeff Rosen 191 5th
MORGAN STATE ( Baltimore, Maryland)
1963 Eldorado Vance 137 6th
NEBRASKA-OMAHA (Omaha, Nebraska)
1962 George Crenshaw 157 2nd, 1963 167 1st
1964 Carl West 123 6th
1966 Curlee Alexander 115 4th, 1967 115 6th, 1968 115 3rd, 1969 115 1st
1967 Roy Washington 145 2nd, 1968 145 1st, 1969 145 1st, 1970 150 1st
1968 Reggie Williams 152 5th
1968 Wendell Hakanson 160 1st, 1969 160 3rd
1968 Mel Washington 177 3rd, 1969 177 1st, 1970 177 2nd, 1971 177 1st
1968 Mel Melcher 191 5th
1969 Dennis Cozad 123 4th
1970 Landy Wallers 134 3rd
1970 Bernie Hospodka 190 1st
1970 Gary Kipfmiller UNL 3rd
1971 Paul Martinez 118 6th, 1972 118 2nd, 1973 118 3rd
1971 Bernie Hospodka 190 2nd
1972 Phil Gonzales 126 1st, 1973 126 1st
1972 Gary Kipfmiller UNL 1st
NORTHERN ARIZONA (Flagstaff, Arizona)
1969 Mickey Carroll 167 1
1970 Mickey Carroll 167 3
NORTHLAND (Ashland, Wisconsin)
1971 Barry Casper 126 6
1972 Barry Casper 118 1
1973 Barry Casper 118 4
1977 Doug Neotzel UNL 6
1982 Mike Hicks 142 7
OLIVET NAZARENE ( Bourbonnais, Illinois)
1984 Steven Klock 167 5th
1987 Joe Swanson 167 5th
1987 Bob Manville 190 5th, 1988 190 1st
1989 Kevin Byrd 126 8th
1989 Charles Jones 177 2nd, 1990 167 3rd
1992 Duke McKean 167 1st, 1993 167 1st
1993 Gabe Mendez 126 3rd
OREGON TECH (Klamath, Oregon)
1983 Bob Stroh 150 8th
1991 Raymond Parker 118 6th
PACIFIC LUTHERAN (Tocoma, Washington)
1980 Paul Giovanni 134 7th, 1981 134 5th
1982 Mike Agostini 177 5th, 1984 177 7th
1985 Chris Wolfe 142 3rd, 1986 177 6th
1985 Jeff Lipp 177 6th
1987 Adrian Rodriguez 126 2nd
1987 Keith Eager 190 8th
1988 Bob Freund 150 6th, 1989 150 7th
1990 John Godinho 134 6th
1993 Brian Peterson 150 2nd, 1994 158 1st
1994 Nate Button 134 5th
1995 Quoc Nguyen 118 4th
1996 Tuan Nguyen 118 4th, 1997 118 3rd
1997 John Aiken 150 5th, 1998 150 2nd
1997 Matt Bliss 177 5th
1998 Johnni Hanson 190 3rd
PERU STATE (Peru, Nebraska)
1975 Bud Frohling 150 1st
1976 Fred Marisett UNL 6th
1977 Mark Yori 126 6th
PFEIFFER (Misenheimer, North Carolina)
1983 Bruce Lambert UNL 4th, 1984 UNL 8th
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
World and Olympic Medalist by Team
George Dole - 1908 Olympic Gold
George Ackerly - 1920 Olympic Gold
Kyle Dake - 2018 World Gold
Sam Gerson - 1920 Olympic Gold
Brandon Slay - 2000 Olympic Gold
Nat Pendleton - 1920 Olympic Silver
Bryan Hines - 1924 Olympic Bronze
Jack Riley - 1932 Olympic Silver
Jake Herbert - 2009 World Silver
Robin Reed- 1924 Olympic Gold
Chester Newton - 1924 Olympic Silver
Henk Schenk - 1969 World Bronze
Les Gutches - 1997 World Gold, 1999 World Bronze
John Spellman - 1924 Olympic Gold
Harry Steele - 1924 Olympic Gold
Jim Humphrey - 1977 World Silver
Mark Coleman - 1991 World Silver (Also wrestled at Miami (OH) )
Kyle Snyder - 2015 World Gold, 2016 Olympic Gold, 2017 World Gold, 2018 World Silver
Logan Steiber - 2016 World Gold
Allie Morrison - 1928 Olympic Gold
Lindsay Durlacher - 2006 World Bronze
Robert Pearce - 1932 Olympic Gold
Jack Van Bebber - 1932 Olympic Gold
Ross Flood - 1936 Olympic Silver
Frank Lewis - 1936 Olympic Gold
Shelby Wilson - 1960 Olympic Gold
Doug Blubaugh - 1960 Olympic Gold
Bobby Douglas - 1966 World Silver, 1970 World Bronze (Also wrestled at West Liberty)
Fred Fozzard - 1969 World Bronze
Bill Harlow - 1970 World Silver
Lee Roy Smith - 1983 World Silver
John Smith - 1987 World Gold, 1988 Olympic Gold, 1989 World Gold, 1990 World Gold, 1991 World Gold, 1992 Olympic Gold
Kenny Monday - 1988 Olympic Gold, 1989 World Gold, 1991 World Silver, 1992 Olympic Silver
Kendall Cross - 1996 Olympic Gold
Jamill Kelly - 2004 Olympic Silver (Also wrestled at Lassen CC)
Daniel Cormier - 2007 World Bronze
Coleman Scott - 2012 Olympic Bronze
Edgar Nemir - 1932 Olympic Silver
Peter Mehringer - 1932 Olympic Gold
Richard Volvia - 1936 Olympic Silver
Gerald Leeman - 1948 Olympic Silver
William Smith - 1952 Olympic Gold
Joe Colon - 2018 World Bronze
Leland Merrill - 1948 Olympic Bronze
Jim Ferguson - 1962 World Bronze
Don Behm - 1968 Olympic Silver, 1969 World Silver, 1971 World Silver
Glen Brand - 1948 Olympic Gold
Dan Gable - 1971 World Gold, 1972 Olympic Gold
Ben Peterson - 1972 Olympic Gold, 1973 World Bronze, 1976 Olympic Silver
Chris Taylor - 1972 Olympic Bronze
Kevin Darkus - 1985 World Silver
Nate Carr - 1988 Olympic Bronze
Kevin Jackson - 1991 World Gold, 1992 Olympic Gold, 1995 World Gold (Also wrestled at Louisiana State)
Cael Sanderson - 2003 World Silver, 2004 Olympic Gold
Jake Varner - 2011 World Bronze, 2012 Olympic Gold
Henry Wittenberg - 1948 Olympic Gold, 1952 Olympic Silver
Josiah Henson - 1952 Olympic Bronze
Pete Blair - 1956 Olympic Bronze
Lloyd Keaser - 1973 World Gold, 1976 Olympic Silver
Jay Evans - 1952 Olympic Silver
Danny Hodge - 1956 Olympic Silver
Wayne Wells - 1969 World Silver, 1970 World Gold, 1972 Olympic Gold
Andre Metzger - 1979 World Bronze, 1986 World Silver, 1987 World Bronze
Dave Schultz - 1982 World Bronze, 1983 World Gold, 1984 Olympic Gold, 1985 World Silver, 1986 World Bronze, 1987 World Silver, 1993 World Silver (Ok St)
Mark Schultz - 1984 Olympic Gold, 1985 World Gold, 1987 World Gold (Also wrestled at UCLA)
Melvin Douglas - 1989 World Silver, 1993 World Gold, 1994 World Bronze, 1995 World Bronze
Terrence McCann - 1960 Olympic Gold
Chris Campbell - 1981 World Gold, 1990 World Silver, 1992 Olympic Bronze
Barry Davis - 1984 Olympic Silver, 1986 World Bronze, 1987 World Silver
Randy Lewis - 1984 Olympic Gold
Ed Banach - 1984 Olympic Gold
Lou Banach - 1984 Olympic Gold
Royce Alger - 1990 World Silver
Brad Penrith - 1991 World Silver
Tom Brands - 1993 World Gold, 1996 Olympic Gold
Terry Brands - 1993 World Gold, 1995 World Gold, 2000 Olympic Bronze
Lincoln McIlravy - 1998 World Bronze, 1999 World Silver, 2000 Olympic Bronze
Joe Williams - 2001 World Bronze, 2005 World Bronze
Mike Zadick - 2006 World Silver
Bill Zadick - 2006 World Gold
Thomas Gilman - World Silver
Dan Brand - 1962 World Bronze, 1965 Olympic Bronze
Jim Rashke - 1963 World Bronze
Bill Scherr - 1985 World Gold, 1986 World Silver, 1987 World Bronze, 1988 Olympic Bronze, 1989 World Silver
Jim Scherr - 1986 World Bronze, 1987 World World Silver, 1980 World Silver
Matt Lindland - 2000 Olympic Silver, 2001 World Silver (also wrestled at Clackamas CC)
Rulon Gardner - 2000 Olympic Gold, 2001 World Gold, 2004 Olympic Bronze (also wrestled at Rick's College CC)
Tolly Thompson - 2005 World Bronze
Justin Ruiz - 2005 World Bronze
Brad Vering - 2007 World Silver
Jordan Burroughs - 2011 World Gold, 2012 Olympic Gold, 2013 World Gold, 2014 World Bronze, 2015 World Gold, 2017 World Gold, 2018 World Bronze
James Green - 2015 World Bronze, 2017 World Silver
Greg Ruth - 1963 World Bronze (Also wrestled at Oklahoma)
Bobby Weaver - 1979 World Silver, 1984 Olympic Gold
Larry Kristoff - 1965 World Bronze, 1966 World Silver, 1967 World Bronze, 1969 World Silver, 1970 World Silver
Rick Sanders - 1966 World Bronze, 1967 World Silver, 1968 Olympic Silver, 1969 World Gold, 1972 Olympic Silver
Michael Young - 1967 World Bronze, 1970 World Bronze
Dave Hazewinkel - 1969 World Bronze, 1970 World Silver
Russ Hellickson - 1971 World Bronze, 1976 Olympic Silver, 1979 World Silver
Jack Reinwand - 1977 World Bronze
Lee Kemp - 1978 World Gold, 1979 World Gold, 1981 World Bronze, 1982 World Gold
Jim Haines - 1979 World Silver
Andrew Rein - 1984 Olympic Silver
Tricia Saunders - 1993 World Silver, 1998 World Gold, 1999 World Gold
Dennis Hall - 1994 World Bronze, 1995 World Gold, 1996 Olympic Silver
Jennifer Wong - 2003 World Bronze
Donny Pritzlaff - 2006 World Bronze
John Peterson - 1972 Olympic Silver, 1976 Olympic Gold, 1978 World Bronze, 1979 World Silver
Gene Davis - 1976 Olympic Bronze
Stan Dziedzic - 1976 Olympic Bronze, 1977 World Gold
Joe Corso - 1979 World Bronze
Brad Rheingans - 1979 World Bronze
Bob Walker - 1979 World Bronze
Billy Rosado - 1981 World Bronze (Also wrestled at Phoenix College)
Zeke Jones - 1991 World Gold, 1992 Olympic Silver, 1995 World Bronze
Townsend Saunders - 1996 Olympic Silver (also wrestled at Cal State Bakersfield)
Greg Gibson - 1981 World Silver, 1982 World Bronze, 1983 World Silver, 1984 Olympic Silver (Also wrestled at Shasta CC)
Joe Gonzales - 1982 World Bronze (Also wrestled at East L.A. CC)
Stephen Neal - 1999 World Gold
Bruce Baumgartner - 1983 World Bronze, 1984 Olympic Gold, 1985 World Bronze, 1986 World Gold, 1987 World Bronze, 1988 Olympic Silver, 1989 World Silver, 1990 World Silver, 1992 Olympic Gold, 1993 World Gold, 1994 World Silver, 1995 World Gold, 1996 Olympic Bronze
Jim Martinez - 1984 Olympic Bronze, 1985 World Bronze
Michial Foy - 1989 World Silver
Brandon Paulson - 1996 Olympic Silver, 2001 World Silver
Garrett Lowney - 2000 Olympic Bronze
Brandon Eggum - 2001 World Silver
Steve Fraser - 1984 Olympic Gold
Joe McFarland - 1986 World Silver
Kirk Trost - 1990 World Bronze
Joe Warren - 2006 World Gold
Adam Coon - 2018 World Silver
Jeff Blatnick - 1984 Olympic Gold
Mike Houck - 1985 World Gold
Dennis Kolowski - 1987 World Silver, 1988 Olympic Bronze, 1992 Olympic Silver
Sally Roberts - 2003 World Bronze, 2005 World Bronze (Also wrestled at Pacific)
Sara McMann - 2003 World Silver, 2004 Olympic Silver, 2005 World Bronze, 2007 World Bronze (Lock Haven? Gardner Webb)
Catherine Downing - 2005 World Bronze, 2007 World Bronze
Afoon Roshanzamir - 1989 World Bronze, 1990 World Silver
Stephanie Murata - 2001 World Silver
Marie Ziegler - 1990 World Silver, 1991 World Silver
Shawn Sheldon - 1991 World Silver
Matt Ghaffari - 1991 World Silver, 1995 World Bronze, 1996 Olympic Silver, 1998 World Silver (Also wrestled at Farleigh Dickinson)
Rodney Smith - 1992 Olympic Bronze
Kurt Angle - 1995 World Gold, 1996 Olympic Gold
Cary Kolat - 1997 World Silver, 1998 World Bronze (also wrestled at Penn State)
Sammie Henson - 1998 World Gold, 2000 Olympic Silver, 2006 World Bronze (Also wrestled at Missouri)
Kristie Davis Marano - 1999 World Silver, 2002 World Bronze, 2003 World Gold, 2006 World Bronze, 2007 World Bronze (wrestled at Pike's Peak CC as well)
Toccara Montgomery - 2001 World Silver, 2003 World Silver
Dremiel Byers - 2002 World Gold, 2007 World Bronze, 2009 World Silver (Does this count? He only played football there)
Tina George - 2002 World Silver, 2003 World Silver (Didn't wrestle there, but it makes a statement to add it)
Kerry McCoy - 2003 World Silver
David Taylor - 2018 World Gold
Patricia Miranda - 2003 World Silver, 2004 Olympic Bronze, 2006 World Bronze
Stephen Abas - 2004 Olympic Silver
Clarissa Chung - 2008 World Gold, 2012 Olympic Gold
Tervel Dlagnev - 2009 World Bronze, 2014 World Bronze
Helen Maroulis - 2012 World Silver, 2014 World Bronze, 2015 World Gold, 2016 Olympic Gold, 2017 World Gold (Also wrestled at Missouri Valley)
Mallory Velte - 2018 World Bronze
J'Den Cox 2016 Olympic Bronze, 2017 World Bronze, 2018 World Gold
Nick Gwiazdowski - 2017 World Bronze, 2018 World Bronze
Becka Leathers - 2017 World Bronze
KING Alli Ragan - 2017 World Silver, 2016 World Silver
Sarah Hildebrand - 2018 World Silver
WAYLAND BAPTISTTamyrn Mensah - 2018 World Bronze